Black Moustache

My Travel Moments๐Ÿ“

On 3rd March 2017, we were going to Kota Belud for our amali.

As soon as we arrived at Kota Belud, we went to Wawasan Jetty 3H that is placed at Kg Nanamun, Kota Belud. Our first activity was river cruise and we met a lot of tourists from various type of countries such as Thailand, Korea and China. It's somehow funny and cute looking at those Thailand couples huhuhu. 

We arrived at Nanamun Beach around 5PM, I guess? And the view was hella beautiful. 

Introducing to you guys! Our homestay, Aravilla Homestay. Hehehe. As you guys can see, there are 4 rooms upstair and downstair. The upper rooms are for the male students and our lecturers, Cik Noor Aqilah and Encik Halim while us, the female students, we stayed at the lower rooms. And guess what? The guests beside us was an artist with his manager. A little bit excited at that time, to be honest. 

Our first activity was Shouting In Silence. Our first game was so enjoyful even we were so tired yet we still managed to do our activity successfully. 

Our second game on that night was "Badut oh Badut" where the female players have to make over them with eyes closed. Sound interesting right? Of course, we had fun so much.

Second day of us being at Kota Belud. Early in the morning, we did some stretching and danced like crazy hahaha.

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