Black Moustache


So, as I promised, these are some of our pictures together from how we got there and yeah! Enjoy!

So, as you guys can see, there are 7 girls there. And I'm sure you guys must be wondering which is me, right? Hahaha. From the back left is my closest bestfriend, her name is Eldina. And the other 2 beside her are my coursemates, the name is Michelle and the other one is Natassayah. From the front left is Ayreen, Loy, Naning (my another closest bestfriend) and last but not least, myself! I was a bit shy at that time (I guess?) because they were taking it before I get prepared myself. Hahaha. I remember I was in black because I usually in black since it is my favourite color. 

As soon as we arrived at Sepilok, we took our first picture together without our male member. 

Do you guys see the one in blue black? Yeah, he is our one and only male member. And if you guys noticed, I wasn't there. I was the one who took the picture. Hehehe.

This was after we were rejected by the manager, hahaha just kidding. We were on our way to the resort, it was kinda far away from the main entrance so we decided to stop by at this stall to drink something. 

The view at the Sepilok Nature Resort was so pretty and fresh! Look at my back. I couldn't help myself at that moment. 

Look at these 3 girls hahaha. Aren't they gorgeous? They are looking like models from era dulu dulu en? Hahahaha just kidding. 

This is just random. After a couple of hours being there, feeling so hot and sweaty, we decided to buy some drinks that could make me feel refreshed.

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